Move Up On Google – Episode #1

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Hi! This is Adam from The Gratzi and welcome to our Move Up On Google miniseries. We’ll be talking about SEO, websites, social media, and a ton of other things that help small businesses Move Up On Google and ultimately get more leads.

To start, we’re going to talk about SEO. What is it?! SEO is the process of bringing traffic to your website so you can Move Up On Google & try to get to page 1.

As a small business, why do I need SEO? To get more traffic, more leads, and ultimately more sales for your business. What is it that small businesses can do, you ask? Well, you can do nothing and you’ll get little results for that. Otherwise, what you can do is you can try doing SEO on your own. That may take a lot of time and a lot of effort, and you may not even do it correctly! You could hire someone, potentially a company that you don’t even know, or you can hire The Gratzi!

For any small business out there doing SEO, you should have your own website and we’re going to talk about that in the next video clip. Subscribe to us on YouTube, like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram! We’ll see you soon!